Change the way that you surf the internet

Many of us search to find what we want, click in to a specific website, read what’s available and click out. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because it’s efficient. We learn to tune out things we don’t need and go straight for what’s essential.

This goal-oriented way of surfing the web is largely based on short-term results. For example, finding facts to write a blog post, doing a comparison before making a purchase and reading a news site to find out what’s happening right now.

If you do all this everyday it becomes like an unconscious habit. You go to the same familiar sites, click from link to link, extract what you want.
So, how is this related to achieving your goals or being successful? Let’s use the topic of internet marketing and making money as an example.
If you’re a online marketer or business owner, you want to maximize your profits . In order to achieve that, many things need to be done: on the practical side of things you need to get more targeted web traffic, optimize your sales page, promote your brand, increase your subscribers, network with peers, build links, provide customer service, create content/products, test your design/interface etc.

All of these tactics are all directed towards the end goal of getting more customers and making more sales.